The WPCA staff is comprised of 10 people: Superintendent, Business Administrator, Assistant Business Administrator, Process Control Operator, Maintainer, and five Operators. All employees, except the Business Administrator and assistant, hold professional wastewater certifications. The staff is responsible for operation and maintenance of the Treatment Facility, over 80 miles of sewer line, 19 pumping stations, and three low pressure sewer systems. The treatment facility is currently capable of processing 2.02 million gallons of wastewater per day. The plant provides wastewater treatment for H.P. Hood, the Correctional facility, and all other businesses and homes within the sewer district. The plant operates under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) which provides parameters for the effluent discharged to the Connecticut River. In addition to the elected Water Pollution Control Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Connecticut Department of Energy & Protection (CTDEEP) also provide oversight of the Treatment plant and Collection system.