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Hydrangea Lane in the Springtime

Powers & Duties

The powers and duties of the assessor shall be those set forth by any and all general statutes concerning the assessment of real and personal property particularly Title 12, and Title 9 of the general statutes (Suff. Code §16-23).

October 1, 2023 Mill Rate: 22.63
($22.63/ $1,000
of net assessed value)
for July 2024 and
January 2025 tax bills

Population Estimate 2010: 14,387
Area: 43.1 square miles
Assessment Ratio: 70%
Assessment Date: October 1st for the following fiscal year
Filing Deadline for Personal Property: November 1st
Completion of Grand List: January 31st

Lisa Trase

Lisa Trase

Shannon Klein

Shannon Klein

Assistant Assessor

Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Friday till 1:00 pm

 83 Mountain Road
Suffield, CT 06078

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